Reviews of The Deskbar

Thanks to the Internet community for their links and reviews
on Dave's Quick Search Deskbar.

Last updated: March 19, 2012

"This is one of the things I reinstall first when I repave a machine - it offers super-easy access to all sorts of online information."
- Larkware - The Daily Grind 535

"The Best Free Search Bar - Dave's Quick Search Bar is a free utility that gives you the same easy access to Google searches as Google's own search bar but wait, there's more."
- Tech Support Alert - The 46 Best-ever Freeware Utilities

"An incredibly cool search utility/address bar/calculator for your taskbar."
- Joel On Software

"Somewhat like the Google Deskbar, only Dave's is better, faster, smaller, is loaded with features, and most of all: it's usable... I don't know how it manages to do it, but it actually performs a Google search incredibly fast - significantly faster than the Google Deskbar."
- The Great Software List

"It is incredibly useful! google, usenet, webster's dictionary, thesaurus, stockquotes, etc. all at your fingertips. the user interface design is very efficient. Quick, do it now! What are you waiting for?"

- WebWord

"A cool little utility to make searches on the Windows desktop easy and (POW!) fast!"
- jakd at

"It's free, open source, fast, and unobtrusive. It is as close as I've seen to the perfect search tool."

"It just shows how simple ideas and simple apps can be the most effective of all."
- Paul Watson on CodeProject

- User reviews at

"This is exactly an example of the reason why Microsoft should be constrained."
- John Robb's Radio Weblog

"What would be bad is if Microsoft did something with Internet Explorer that prevented me from installing these products."
- Notes From the Cave

"Uma coisa genial que coloca um campo de search na barra do Windo$... simplismente 10!"
- CalvinOne.Net

"A powerful addition to the windows Toolbar."

"Dave's Quick Search Taskbar Toolbar Deskbar is fantastic."
- BrainLog

"Very practical and easy to install."
- Weblog wannabe

"A really nifty tool."

"It is a VERY handy little tool for windows power users who search a lot (like me), especially on differing search engines."

"This is way cool!"
- Techno Weenie

"Very cool little searchbar tool."

"Very cool quick search Toolbar for Windoze."

"Check it out, cause it's the coolest thing I've seen in a while."
- Greg Mitchell's Weblog

"Dave's Quick Search Taskbar Toolbar Deskbar is my new best friend."

"This may be the neatest little app ever."
- Darwyn Autumnwood

"What a tool!"
- Epiphany

"It just works. Right. And it all makes sense. And it has a calculator!"
- strangelife

"The world at your fingertips."

"It's like the Google toolbar, but now outside the browser. It looks great."

"Google toolbar, pshaw! then you have to have IE open. I *heart* Dave's Quick Search Taskbar Toolbar Deskbar!"
- Mick at MetaFilter

"It's a cool hack that leverages Windows' ability to run a tiny, tiny IE window in the taskbar."
- Dotan Dimet

"This is cool."

"Wow, cool!"
- A frog in the Valley

"Download this cool utility."

"Incredibly cool it is!"

"Being HTML, it is very customisable - I changed my copy to search for Australian stock prices, instead of Bloomberg's American stock site. An excellent example of a simple, efficient tool. Recommended."

"I'm using it and I think it's cool!"

"It's a nice idea."
- giles at The PANTS Daily Chump


"It's nice, but..."
- gammatron

"Why can't we have this on the Mac somehow?"

"Dave's Quick Search Toolbar is so great, I'm linking to it again."
- (again)


"Now this rocks on toast! It's small [The installer is 56KB], it installs without a hitch, you can modify it yourself [It's written in HTML!], and it's Open Source - released under the GNU license. And it's going to save me a ton of time each day. What could be better?"

"This is one of those flatheaded applications. (You know... the ones that make you slap your forehead and ask why no one thought of it before.)"
- dang at

"If you're using a PC, Dave's Quick Search Toolbar Taskbar is essential."
- Swish Cottage

- bertimus at

"If you like(d) the google search-abr for IE, this will be a real delight!"
- Traumwind

"I love google and this puts it on my has a load of power features."

"Why would you NOT use it?"
- anthillz

"I mentioned it before, but since then i've used this little thing 10,000 times. it's so good. so efficient. everything you could want on your taskbar and more!"
- anthillz (again)

"One of the cooler widgets I've seen in a long time."
- Scalloblog

"The ultimate windows utility. Power users everywhere best have this."
- the synthesis blog

"Windows must-have."
- Ideapad"

"Too cool!!"


"This app could change your life."
- The Plotka News Network

"Permite todo tipo de bsquedas, tanto en Google como Yahoo as como otras muchas."

"Echt ideaal."
- Nieuws

"Todays must download: Quick Search Toolbar Extrem fein."

"This little toolbar that shows up on the taskbar is pretty slick."
- Jesse Gruca at Shell Extension City

"This is really cool."
- Amit Kalani's LiveJournal

"It is truly awesome."
- Perspectivist Connections

"So shockingly useful!"

"Now that everyone has already discovered the Google SeachBar, the time is ripe for the latest in search gadgets. Put your hands together for the "Quick Search Bar", the tool that will make your day and separate boys from men and readers of this column from just your run-of-the-mill surfer..."
- Ha'arez (Translated from the Hebrew)

"Unbelievably brilliant."

"With an always-on broadband connection to the Internet it makes knowledge spelunking second nature."
- Don McArthur

"Useful stuff."

"Jetzt kann in diversen Musikdatenbanken gesucht werden, der Babelfisch ist mit eingebunden und zudem gibt es noch ein nettes Feature..."
- netbib

"Dave's Quick Search provides you with quick access to a ton of useful web search resources without taking up much desktop space or having other programs running - an excellent search tool for power users!"
- WebAttack Internet Tool Provider

"Now use Google from the taskbar without even opening a browser."
- DV for Teachers

"Here's a little Windows toolbar app that will give you access to all sorts of search engines without having to launch IE."
- Greg Liverman's Weblog


"Every frigging kind of search you can imagine right at your fingertips in one monster-powerful mouse-small super form."
- mark at

"Al een tijdje in gebruik, en handig, handig."
- Dec 7 2001

"Keegi Dave avastas, et otsija vib panna otse taskbarile!"

"This looks pretty cool."

"Omigod.. this is so good!"

"Impresionante, y de muchsima utilidad."

"Once in a while you stumble upon someone useful, who's created something very very useful."
- gohairbrush

"This is for power searchers."

"If you do a lot of searching on the Net like I do, then this is a must-have."

"Its way neato - it does some great tricks with searching."

"It allows you to have a funky search bar in your task bar so you can look for stuff at any given moment without disrupting your current browser. Very, very cool stuff.
- Onomatopoeia

"Eine nette such-consolen die sich nett in die taskbar integriert."

"What if you could combine Google's searching power with that of other search engines? Well, what you would get is a little something called "Dave's Quick Search.... I love this thing!"
- Lockergnome

"A nifty web search tool."

"Editor's Pick."
- SoftLandMark

"It's a wonderful little doohickie, suitable for everyone."
- Terra Arcanum Forums

"The latest version rocks."
- Techno Weenie (again)

"Dave's Quick Search TaskBar invite les moteurs de recherche jusqu votre barre de tches, vous faisant gagner ainsi de prcieuses secondes. Vous doutez? Eh bien, soit!"
- LeMatin

"You can search basically anything with this taskbar add on using short cuts."

"A neat little open source utility."

"The ultimate internet shortcut tool has to be Dave's Quick Search Taskbar Toolbar Deskbar."
- Francois Jordaan

"If you're an internet junkie like myself, do yourself a favour and check out the quick search thing, install it, use it, love it."
- Fuzzy Logic

"This tool is AWESOME!!!"
- Radio Mookie

"Faster than Google?!?!?"

"Absolutely indispensable."

"Tremendously useful."

"Une merveille."

"It enables you to access every popular engine from the convenience of your Windows taskbar."
- Under the Hood Computer's User Group

"I may have to try this out."
- John Bedard

"Words will fail us here... this is simply the single handiest, friendliest, easiest and most useful little program we've ever encountered for free."

"Best of 2001"
- Techno Weenie (again)

"I've started using Dave Bau's quicksearch bar... The great thing is that it is completely open source and you can add hooks to new search engines and whatever just by adding to an xml document."
- gohairbrush (again)

"No, it doesn't have wheels or gyroscopes, but I get around with it... I know you will like it."
- Tellio

"I've been REALLY enjoying the quick search right from my toolbar. Its Perfect for fast searching, and opens a new window w/o me needing to do it myself!"

"It is the power of a command-line interface embedded in your Windows taskbar, and man I love it."

"It's still really damn useful. Seriously."

"I recommend it." (in Russian)

"Get it. You won't regret it."
- intelligencer

"It's so great, that if you don't like it, send me ten dollars and I'll eat a pair of my own pants."
- (1/25/02)

"What Dave has done here is genius."
- Call For Help, on TechTV

"The ultimate internet shortcut tool has to be Dave's Quick Search Taskbar Toolbar Deskbar"
- Francois Jordaan

"Here's the best search tool I've found so far... Poobah's rating: 5 ocarinas"

"This is even better than the Google bar"
- east bay pete on

"Permite buscar en infinidad de webs, hacer traducciones, conversiones de moneda y muchas ms cosas"

"This'll be the third time I've mentioned Dave's Quick Search Deskbar. Why mention it again? More cool features, of course!"
- Dan Sanderson's BrainLog

"It looks ultra-groovy."

"A must-have for any websurfer."

"This is the coolest things since... uh... the Shack, I guess"
- ShackNews

"It is carefully crafted software that lives on your desktop, and combines the strengths of many search engines and options while throwing away the fluff."
- The Bangkok Post

"This utility ownz j00!"
- Theothercountry

"I'm a big fan of Google, the Net's best search engine. That's why I've added Dave's Quick Search Deskbar to my Windows taskbar."
- WinPlanet Tips

"Wow!!! Thats a Great little Program!!!"
- Davman at

"It is so customizable, I love it!"
- noppers at arstechnica

"If you have windows and haven't checked dave's search tool out, you're missing out -- especially since now you can type 'amaz ' and have it pop up a web browser with your amazon search!"
- Mai's LiveJournal

"Een snelle, gratis metazoeker."
- Internet: Tips en Advies 7

"This is the most expandable, useful tool available for Windows."
- Peter Heath

"Real men use the Quick Search Deskbar, not some pansy linked-to-the-browser thing."
- Unarmed at

"Truly a searchers dream. You can do ebay, websters, google, newsgroups, it has a calculator and a clock -- amazing!"
- Morkinva at

- Russ Lefebvre

"This little thingy is a serious contender for the throne of toolbars."
- Sex and Sunshine

"It has a simple, clean, and powerful interface that also gives you a calculator, clock, currency converter, and translator."
- Allen's Winappslist

"...great omni-purpose and GPLed task-bar-toolbar search thing... it's got searches for everything from acroynms to news to crackz as well as many-many other nifty features in a compact-minimalistic toolbar text box"
- geeknik dot net

"...for search hounds with weary mouse-fingers. Unlike the Google Toolbar, this little deskbar lets you launch searches without starting a web browser first, directly from your Windows Explorer Taskbar."
- Spatial Disturbance

"This is by far the coolest toolbar feature I have ever seen."
- Justin Lin

"This is GREAT!"
- Stu

"...I found it to be highly useful so far. You can search from your Windows taskbar and so much more. It really is very cool and has a lot of functionality... "
- ~/Garth

"Ted's Top Tips Award is presented, forthwith, to Dave's Quick Search Deskbar, a free utility that places a search function - and then some - on your Windows' system toolbar."
- Ted Como, TimesNews

"One of the best programs I have seen in quite some time... Interfaces to essentially every useful information search on the Internet... This is a lot more than just a search box."
- User Reviews at

"Dave Quick Search v3 is out and now rocks more."
- Fuzzys Logic

"All I can say is this thing is extremely slick."
- Tim Aiello

"It's damn fast!!"

"Like lsxcommand, but not."
- Joe Blade

"Must have."
- Brett Morgan

"I like it!"
- Jason Henderson

"Nice, this might be one of the few things I keep on my toolbar."
- Stephen Kelley

"The coolest little app I've seen in quite a while! It has replaced both my Windows clock and my Google taskbar, and it does math too!"
- Sanity Check

"This is a very cool app indeed."

"I have been playing with this all day. If it isn't the coolest thing I have seen in a while it's darn close."
- Jason Jystad

"If you'd like something to enhance your Internet experience, I can recommend this as the easiest, quickest way to do so."
- LDS Writers.Net

"It's the coolest thing since sliced bread, or at least the best piece of new software I've used in the last 6 months. Let me explain..."
- Micah's Weblog

"Creating more of these [add-in searches is] insanely simple. Just a little XML and a little JavaScript, and off you go."
- Pind's Blog

"This tool is absolutely amazing... There are probably TONS of applications that say they are "must have" but this one really is."
- Guy's World

"I know, I know... Another piece of download garbage that will slow my ailing PC down even more. Well I think Dave's Quick Search Deskbar is different."

"The Google Toolbar is pretty cool, especially if you use the Experimental Features, but it's nowhere near as cool as the recently updated, but clumsily named Dave's Quick Search Desbar."

"You know that cool search app I found.... I have lost it.... Can you remember if it had a name?... Good god.... It DOES have a name. 'Dave's Quick Search Taskbar Toolbar Deskbar.' Catchy."
- MindDump

"Very convenient!"
- Christoph Burkhardt

"Hey, I was reading a long thread at AnandTech regarding useful applications and struck the motherlode! Dave's Quick Search Toolbar. Try this program out...very useful."
- "Hari Seldon"

I don't even know javascript, but it's simple enough that I can set up Dave's Quick Search Deskbar with all the sites I use, and simple measurement converters etc."
- SanGrail on

"If gave an award for the coolest Windows utility, this would be it."

"Much better than the toolbar offered by Google itself."
- The Wagner Blog

"Das Tool bietet in der Taskbar neben der Suchmaschinen-Abfrage noch einen Rechner, eine Uhr, einen bersetzer und vieles mehr!"

"My favourite description of it is 'a little box that does everything'... It is the utter dog's bollocks."
- Chris M. Dickson

"Why open your browser before accessing a search engine? Put the Internet at your fingertips with Daves Quick Search Deskbar."
- PC Upgrade Magazine

"An incredibly handy utility that is configured with XML files."
- Reginald Braithwaite-Lee

"Un petit outil remarquable qui s'intègre dans votre barre de tâches... Allez-y!"
- Best of

"The Coolest Utility Since the Googlebar (And Possibly Ever!)"
- Geek Life

"In many ways Dave's Deskbar is smarter and more efficient than the Google Toolbar -- or even Google itself... I can't see myself turning off something as elegant and versatile as Dave's Deskbar."
- Henry Norr, San Francisco Chronicle

"Выполнена очень хорошо."
- NoNaMe

"Windows users should check out Dave's Quick Search Deskbar, which does entirely too much useful stuff to list all of it here."

"You get to alias your commands via XML files - macro-tastic!"
- David Ing

"Tiene muchsimas otras funciones, y es muy recomendable."
- La Nacion

"By far the most useful UI tweak for windows I've seen in recent times is Daves Quick Search Deskbar - Brilliant, I use it so often now."
- benw

"I hadn't seen DSQD before; it frickin' rocks! It works EXACTLY the way it should, and the underlying architecture is waaaay smooth. Had my own custom search added in less than a half hour after installing it."
- greyjack

"This is one of the coolest, most innovative little utilities I have come across in a very long time!"
- Kenneth LeFebvre